
Why Read?
- Reading is a pleasurable way to earn elective points.
- Reading builds vocabulary and improves comprehension skills.
- Reading expands horizons and allows teens to learn more about people and the world.
- Reading allows teens to see that everyone has problems in his or her life and may even help teens find a solution to their problems.
- Reading provides and escape from the day-to-day. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression and social isolation.
- Reading stimulates the right side of the brain. It stretches a teen's imagination and opens their minds to new possibilities.
- Teens who read are better writers.
Need more reasons to read?
Just check out the quotations on this web page to see why CCHS students enjoy reading.
Just check out the quotations on this web page to see why CCHS students enjoy reading.

What's Inside the CCHS Library?
- Over 2,500 books.
- A searchable online catalog.
- Using Enterprise Real Time's Accelerated Reader program, we now have thousands of quizzes to choose from.
- Magazines subscriptons.
- Library orientations available to classes and individuals upon request.